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Created 13-Sep-11
Modified 14-Aug-24
Visitors 1333
14 photos
Hull Number 393. One of 203 Super Aquaramas. One of only 154 with Series III Hull. One of only 154 with Riva 427/320 HP Engines. One of only 40 1970 Super Aquaramas. One of only four custom ordered from the Riva factory in Italy with closed aft deck ("senza fosetta"), and we believe it to be the only Series III Hull with this aft deck arrangement.

Hull #393 was built especially for New Yorker Ernst Petschek, who had previously owned both Ariston and Tritone hulls, designs he favored for their closed rear deck. Petschek paid Monaco Boat Service a 5% premium to bypass Carlo Riva's rigid work procedure and adapt the Tritone's aft design to the Super Aquarama, resulting in a true rarity: a Super Aquarama with Tritone decks, or "Senza Fossetta", as it says on the MBS documentation, literally "without dimple" (sundeck).

Around 1980 the boat was purchased by Sierra Boat of Lake Tahoe, CA and was sold to a few owners, one of which was Tom Perkins, a Venture Capitalist of Kleiner Perkins. Mr. Perkins had the interior done to match the Bugatti Motor Cars that he owned. Color – Red.

In 2005, Hull #393 was purchased by a very knowledgeable boat owner and yachtsmen from Lake Minnetonka. He kept it in a boathouse, covered on a lift. The engines were completely rebuilt in 2007. The boat was Stripped, Stained & Varnished in 2006. The deck and topsides have been renewed summer of 2012.

Extensive documentation is available, including copies of the original factory paperwork to substantiate the engine numbers, and much more written in Italian.

Includes 2011 custom built triple axle trailer.

Priced at $575,000.00 USD.

Guestbook for 1970 Riva - 28' Super Aquarama - Medici
Grady Newman(non-registered)
She is as beautiful as ever. For those who have never owned a RIVA, designed and built during the Carlo Riva era....they are extremely well thought out in design and superbly well built. This boat in particular has one of the nicest cruising hulls (in both flat seas and a good chop) of any I have skippered.

Congrats to the lucky man who can be a steward of this special craft.
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